The Super Accelerator for WordPress

Much more than fast

Flash Cache PRO

The free version of Flash Cache integrates indispensable features, but the PRO version contains features to enhance its professional use that can make it unique today.

A powerful cache plugin which optimizes the websites speed thanks to processes and technologies that reduces the overload of the websites where it is installed, improving the velocity till 10x comparing with other cache plugins for WordPress.

Minify CSS and JS

Adds options to minify CSS and JavaScript files and speed up during the caching process.

Auto Create Cache

Automatically generate cache upon saving a post, ensuring faster delivery without waiting for user visits.

Avoid cache for each Block or Widget

Add an option in Blocks or Legacy Widgets to prevent them from being cached.

Easy Cache Deletion

Add a new quick action in the Posts (types) list to clear the cache of the post you want using AJAX.

Continued Development

We have a long plan to continue creating and adding new features to help improve the plugins.

Improve even more!

Flash Cache PRO

Support the plugin by purchasing new capabilities

Discover the differences


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Visit our FAQs for further information or create a ticket through our standard support system, it’s totally free.